The city and location of the conference have been announced


The detail conference venue information will be available about two weeks before the opening of the conference.
Sanya  Introduction


Sanya is located at the southernmost tip of Hainan Island, China. The long, narrow city sits along a coastline that stretches for hundreds of kilometers. The beautiful seaside scenery makes Sanya the most famous seaside resort in China, enjoying the reputation of "Oriental Hawaii".
The beaches with clear water and white sand, the leafy rain forests and the high-quality and cheap seafood are the signatures of Sanya. In the tropical rain forests of Sanya Bay, Dadonghai and Yalong Bay, you can experience the thrill and excitement of rock climbing waterfalls in the primitive jungle. When visiting Sanya, a sumptuous seafood dinner is indispensable. The seafood in the First Market is of high quality and low price, and there are hundreds of fresh and delicacies for you to choose from.


The beaches with clear water and white sand, the leafy rain forests and the high-quality and cheap seafood are the signatures of Sanya. In the tropical rain forests of Sanya Bay, Dadonghai and Yalong Bay, you can experience the thrill and excitement of rock climbing waterfalls in the primitive jungle. When visiting Sanya, a sumptuous seafood dinner is indispensable. The seafood in the First Market is of high quality and low price, and there are hundreds of fresh and delicacies for you to choose from.
Recommended travel time

10-3 Month is the best time to travel in Sanya.

At this time, northern China has entered winter, but Sanya is still warm as spring. The weather is sunny and rainy, the temperature is maintained at about 25 degrees, and the pleasant weather also ushered in Sanya's tourist season. Major festivals and activities emerge one after another. During the peak season, transportation, accommodation and other expenses will be increased to a certain extent, and the overall travel expenses will also increase. If time permits, try to avoid overcrowded Spring Festival holidays.

Sanya tourism off-season, the temperature rose to about 30 degrees, the weather is sunny and hot. The local Miao and Li ethnic groups hold large-scale ethnic festivals on March 3 of the lunar calendar (early April of the Gregorian calendar). Hotel and transportation costs are relatively low and tourists are less during these two months.

At this time, Sanya is in rainy season, but most of them are showers, which last for a short time and have little impact on travel. July and August are the hottest, with temperatures as high as 35 degrees Celsius and scorching heat exposure. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling. Typhoon happens occasionally in September, tourists should pay attention to weather changes when traveling. The travel cost to Sanya in midsummer is moderate. Although there will be summer student flow, many tourists who plan to travel will not choose Sanya in the scorching sun.

Recommended days to play

4-5 Jesus.
A seaside resort city like Sanya is a good place to slow down. Local attractions are not concentrated, east-west distribution in the narrow coastline. The distance between each scenic spot is relatively long, and it is advisable to play 1-2 scenic spots a day. Leave enough time for 4-5 days to basically play comprehensively, and don't feel too hasty. If you want to go to Wuzhizhou and West Island, you'd better spare a whole day's time and go back to the city for a seafood feast at night.

consumption level

As Sanya is a popular tourist city, the overall consumption level is almost close to Beijing, Shanghai and other first-tier cities. The overall travel cost of Sanya is greatly affected by seasonality. The hotel and charter price in peak season is usually twice as high as that in low season. Consumption within the attraction is also more expensive.

Attractions:Sanya's scenic spot expenses account for a large proportion of the total expenditure. In addition to the beach free, basically most of the attractions have to charge tickets, and the price is more than 100 yuan. Tickets for theEnd of the Earthscenic spot are 101 yuan, and tickets for the Yalong Bay Tropical Paradise Forest Park are 175 yuan. Wuzhizhou and West Island one-price package package to nearly a thousand yuan.

Catering:Sanya's catering consumption is not high, a bowl of Luo powder about 8 yuan, a small restaurant to eat a dinner per capita 30 yuan. In the first market to eat a seafood feast per capita is only 150 yuan. However, the food and beverage in the scenic spot is relatively expensive, mineral water 10-15 yuan a bottle, Wuzhizhou Island a bowl of beef noodles is more expensive to nearly 50 yuan a bowl. If you can bring your own water and snacks during the day, you will save a lot of money in the scenic spot.

Accommodation:Sanya hotel prices are greatly affected by seasonality, the same hotel prices in the light and peak seasons will be nearly doubled. Sanya city is not coastal hotel prices are relatively cheap, generally in 100-200 yuan a night. Coastal hotels in Sanya Bay is the cheapest, a night at about 300 yuan, but far from the city center. Luxury hotels, exceptPhoenix Islandin the city center, are almost all located in Yalong Bay and Haitang Bay, with prices ranging from 600 to 1,000 yuan a night.

Transportation:Sanya's public transportation mainly depends on buses and special tourist lines. Most tourists choose to charter or take taxis to and from various scenic spots. A taxi from downtown to Dadonghai costs about 12 yuan, at least 75 yuan to Yalong Bay or Tianya Haijiao, and at least 90 yuan to Wuzhizhou Wharf. The price of chartered cars is 200-300 yuan a day in off-season and 300-400 yuan in peak season.



CTNE Venue Address
Sanya, China
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